Ensuring a positive end user experience through responsive and efficient handling of vehicle location data

Long-term storage of journey data for global OEM

A manufacturer of sport utility and luxury vehicles required long-term storage of journey data from their global fleet and fast retrieval by users. Given the vast data volume, the solution needed efficiency in storing and processing data while remaining responsive. Our product, Position & Journey, met these requirements and is designed to handle massive volumes of continuous geo-location data, providing real-time processing and quick access upon request. Its integration significantly reduced the client's development time.

The Challenge

A manufacturer of sport utility and luxury vehicles required that their vehicles’ journey and waypoint data of trips be stored for extended periods spanning a few years. At the same time, they believed an end user should be able to request old data related to their vehicle with a fast response time. On average, a typical vehicle makes four-five trips per day and generates location data every few hundred meters. The solution needed to store data of more than a million such active vehicles worldwide. To provide a good user experience, the solution also needed to be responsive while simultaneously being efficient in terms of storing and processing huge volumes of data.

engineer using augmented reality hologram to work on a new electric car in an office

The Solution

Technical overview of the deployed solution

Technical overview of the deployed solution 2

Position & Journey (P&J) fit the requirements of the customer. Because it is specifically designed to store, process, and manage huge volumes of continuous geo-location data, our product could take in the customer’s vehicle data, transform it, process it in real time, and keep it ready to present upon request.

Data is received through an AWS kinesis stream. A ‘transformation’ Lambda checks the incoming data for integrity and then calls other functions that perform different processing tasks. A DynamoDB is used to store data that is recent, and an S3 is used for cold storage of data. The DynamoDB is optimized for faster response times based on access patterns. An API gateway then provides an interface for other services to fetch the data when needed. In addition to the main process flow described above, P&J provides notifications of events that the service subscribes to. This is accomplished through a SNS for notification handling and SQS queues for different clients.

Integrating P&J in their overall connect vehicle platform meant that the vehicle manufacturer could cut down significantly on the development time and quickly provide their services to end customers worldwide.


Since the deployment and migration of existing customer data from legacy systems to Position & Journey, the performance of the solution has been successful, with full adherence to promised SLAs.

A happy woman driving a car