Revolutionizing Connected Car Service Delivery

In-vehicle app built on AAOS

A premium electric vehicle manufacturer wanted to enhance their digital offering without getting locked into long and costly development cycles. By creating an in-vehicle app built on Android Automotive Operating System (AAOS)—one that interfaced with one of WirelessCar’s standard cloud services—a new connected car service was delivered seamlessly to their customers in just one month.


A premium electric vehicle manufacturer wanted to enhance their digital offering by providing highly valuable trip and vehicle usage information to their customers. Central to this challenge was streamlining the development process and reducing the costs typically associated with launching a new connected car service. Ensuring that this service would improve over time via over-the-air (OTA) updates was also key.

A black electric car charging at home in the drive way.


To meet the needs of the company, WirelessCar leveraged the new capabilities AAOS-based systems offer and built an in-vehicle app with drastically reduced development lead times and costs.

The resulting in-vehicle application collates and tracks details about each ride taken in a vehicle. The in-vehicle app benefits consumers and businesses who need to track mileage and energy consumption. Consumers can view their trips and categorize trips for business expenses vs. private usage.

The in-vehicle app securely stores the data in the WirelessCar cloud by sending trip data to our Position & Journey product. At the same time, it also consumes the Position & Journey API to display the trip information to the driver in the vehicle. The solution can be enhanced to view the data from a smartphone or computer outside the vehicle as well.


As a result of our collaboration, the in-vehicle app was launched and available to the company’s end users in a fraction of the traditional development time and at significantly lower cost. Not only was the vehicle manufacturer able to quickly offer a popular new connected car service to their customers, but over-the-air updates ensured that the in-vehicle app keeps improving over time.

This solution can further empower vehicle manufacturers to better analyze real-world vehicle usage for their products and inform future feature and engineering decisions. The service can also be extended for Usage Based Insurance (UBI) applications.

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